BRIXXTM offers outstanding overall digestibility in a short day maize
Whole crop digestibility drives milk solids in the tank
BRIXXTM short day hybrids help you maximise your soil and planting conditions
More flexibility = more feed = more milk = more farm revenue
Why do I plant grain corn?
How much can chopping maize at a lower dry matter increase fodder palatability?
Should I diversify my risk by planting multiple hybrids and seed brands?
Is starch energy king or is there more to maximising milk production?
Could I maximise my hectares by planting a short day maize and a protein forage in the same season?
Can I use flexible hybrids to manage my planting around optimum weather and soil conditions?
Would I like to be the first farm in my contractor's queue for harvest season?
Could I utilise a short day silage maize and harvest before the drought begins?
Am I paying too much for non-GMO hybrids?
How much value am I losing by chopping green feed maize and could a fully mature short RM silage hybrid be in the stack when I need it instead?
Am I in the business of planting seed or growing feed?
Why do I plant grain corn?
Should I diversify my risk by planting multiple hybrids and seed brands?
Could I maximise my hectares by planting a short day maize and a protein forage in the same season?
Would I like to be the first farm in my contractor's queue for harvest season?
Could I utilise a short day silage maize and harvest before the drought begins?
Am I paying too much for non-GMO hybrids?
How much can chopping maize at a lower dry matter increase fodder palatability?
Is starch energy king or is there more to maximising milk production?
Can I use flexible hybrids to manage my planting around optimum weather and soil conditions?
How much value am I losing by chopping green feed maize and could a fully mature short RM silage hybrid be in the stack when I need it instead?
Am I in the business of planting seed or growing feed?
Currently accepting orders on a first come first served basis. Limited supply.
Sign up & reserve up to 8 bags of 80,000 seeds per bag for the 2021/22 season today.
Enter you details below and one of our friendly reps will be in touch soon.